Friday 9 November 2012

Different opinions rather then one solution.

Last weeks campus session was a lot different to the previous sessions as we were looking at the inquiry from other peoples points of view and how other people's views make a subject a bit more exciting and creates many different avenues to study, like new data selections new evidence to support findings and they always say there's always two sides to every story.

For example my inquiry is about Understanding the different approaches and purposes underlining Dance Assessments undertaken in different types of Dance Institutions and how assessments benefit not just the students and teachers but also the students parents because they will want to know how the child/young adult is doing but I would like to hear from anyone who has a different opinion about assessments to get a feel for both sides of the inquiry.


  1. After you left today, Paula, myself and Corinda spoke about my possible career avenue. Corinda suggested I thought about opening my own dance school but I said I didn't have any associates so I woulnd't be able to enter any students for exams. Then I wondered if that could be a unique selling point? Would some children prefer to go to a dance/drama school which emphisis is on confidence growth, socialisation and fun more than grades? Have we become a society obsessed with exams? Passing an exam doesn't mean an individual has progressed, after all. The progression has occurred during the year or so in preperation for the exam. An 'end result' might be important so that the student has something to aim for and motivate them to try their best but this could be a showcase rather than an exam. All of this made me think of you and your inquiry. I hope it might be of some help,

  2. Hey Sarah lovely to hear from you that sounds like a great idea I don't think I have been in a class where the emphasis is on confidence growth and that is such a huge thing for children and young adults not just in dance but in life I think you have hit the nail on the head there with this idea I am very passionate about this subject so it's really nice to hear that you share that same passion you are doing a great job.
    Thanks x
